Why geniuses are often so fond of sex
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Even if your work does not demand exceptional intelligence or creativity, this topic affects you because national prosperity is strongly affected by big ideas generated by geniuses. The United States is awash in little ideas but not many big new ones that fundamentally improve life. Such breakthroughs once catalyzed America's success, but as our creativity dried up, our economy sputtered. We can solve that problem, but to do it, we need more than hope or pixie dust; we need information. This page introduces you to this topic. I will present much more in a pending book that reveals how I went from dunce to doctor, and how I routinely use creativity to solve problems, big and small.
Sex is part of medicine but it should be part of education. Beyond the basics we all need to know, sex is one of the major catalysts fueling people to excel. As past scientists, innovators, and businessmen reached for the stars, they made the world a better place.
“Sex desire is the most powerful of human desires. When driven by this desire, men develop keenness of imagination, courage, willpower, persistence, and creative ability unknown to them at other times. Love, romance, and sex are all emotions capable of driving men to heights of super achievement. When combined, these three emotions may lift one to an altitude of genius.”
— Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow Rich; quote highlighted in 78 years ago, a journalist studied 500 rich men and boiled down their success into 13 steps
While the affinity for sex is as natural as the desire for tasty food, not everyone is equally captivated by sex. Researchers discovered a link between giftedness (especially the eminently gifted) and prenatal exposure to higher levels of testosterone.
University of Alberta researcher Dr. Marty Mrazik noted that “excessive prenatal exposure to testosterone facilitates increased connections in the brain, especially in the right prefrontal cortex [and unique patterns of inferior frontal activation]. That's why we see some intellectually gifted people with distinct personality characteristics that you don't see in the normal population.” One of these is extreme creativity; another is a heightened interest in sex, which is affected by prenatal and subsequent androgen exposure.
In The Neurobiological Foundations of Giftedness (original URL), the authors wrote:
“Leonardo Da Vinci, Sigmund Freud, Albert Einstein, and Pablo Picasso illustrate exceptional individuals whose extraordinary accomplishments will forever stand out in history. Yet the autobiographical and biographical accounts of these figures reveal [behavioral] patterns … outside the normal range.”
Freud's fascination with sex is legendary, but Albert Einstein and other super geniuses were also intensely interested in sex. Here's an excerpt from one of my articles:
Evidence released after his death showed that Einstein couldn't get enough women. After nearly 3500 sealed pages of his personal correspondence were made public, the press had a field day with Einstein, calling him a “Phys-sex Genius,” a “Scientific Pimp,” a “Stud Muffin,” a “galactic womanizer,” and even a “sex-fiend.” Einstein's weakness for pretty women was indulged by chasing skirts that culminated in many affairs, including one with a “beautiful Soviet spy.” After infidelity ended his first marriage, “he spent some time deciding whether to shack up with his 42-year-old cousin, Elsa, or her 20-year-old daughter, Ilse.”
Other eminent physicists, including Richard Feynman, Erwin Schrödinger, Marie Curie, and Robert Oppenheimer, formed “a roster of lamentable philanderers.” Feynman, “probably the only Nobel Prize winner to befriend porn stars,” claimed he had “a foolproof manner for bedding women and do his calculations on napkins in strip clubs.” Judging by what buxom porn star Candi Samples wrote on her picture given to him, she was more impressed by the size of his anatomy than his mind: “To Big Dick, Love from Candi.”
Oppenheimer, head of the atomic bomb project in Los Alamos during World War 2, “tried to run off with the wife of Linus Pauling and bed the wife of another colleague.”
Schrödinger's Nobel Prize-winning idea came to him while shacked up in an alpine villa with an old girlfriend during a “late erotic outburst.”
Founding Father Ben Franklin consorted with a number of women other than his wife, and was no stranger to prostitutes (original URL). As he put it in his autobiography, “that hard-to-be-governed passion of youth hurried me frequently into intrigues with low women that fell in my way, which were attended with some expense and great inconvenience, besides a continual risk to my health.”
Franklin wrote a letter in 1745 advising a young man that relationships with older women conferred several advantages, citing their inability to get pregnant and the relative preservation of their vaginas compared with the aging of their faces and breasts, making intercourse with them at least as pleasurable as with younger women. Franklin wrote:
“Because in every Animal that walks upright, the Deficiency of the Fluids that fill the Muscles appears first in the highest Part: The Face first grows lank and wrinkled; then the Neck; then the Breast and Arms; the lower Parts continuing to the last as plump as ever: So that covering all above with a Basket, and regarding only what is below the Girdle, it is impossible of two Women to know an old from a young one. And as in the dark all Cats are grey, the Pleasure of corporal Enjoyment with an old Woman is at least equal, and frequently superior, every Knack being by Practice capable of Improvement.”
Franklin was indisputably a polymath: “a leading author and printer, political theorist, politician, postmaster, scientist, inventor, satirist, civic activist, statesman, and diplomat.” Walter Isaacson called him “the most accomplished American of his age,” and he was the foremost heartthrob of the 18th century.
Franklin “freed his slaves and became one of the most prominent abolitionists.” He refused to patent any of his inventions, reasoning that he was already rich enough. He discovered the principle of conservation of charge and originated the concept of positive and negative electrical charges. A list of Franklin's other accomplishments could fill a book; he wasn't just a genius, but a multifaceted super genius.
To Americans who are more comfortable discussing the sex lives of celebrities than their own, it may be difficult to reconcile Ben Franklin the Founding Father and super genius with Franklin the patron of prostitutes and lifelong womanizer who wrote about the sensate characteristics of vaginas as women aged, but Franklin unabashedly discussed sex because he viewed it as part of human nature—which it clearly is. Franklin fit in as well with royalty as he did with tradesmen because he was an intellectual superstar but down-to-earth.
Our Founding Fathers are often idolized and revered as saints or demigods, but some of them had Clintonian sexual appetites. Besides Franklin, there was Thomas Jefferson—another polymath—who had a longstanding affair with Sally Hemings (one of his slaves) that produced several children.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, a political genius who led America through its darkest hour, didn't let polio get in his way of sleeping with distant relatives, young beauties, and an endless parade of others, including Norway's Princess Martha.
Other researchers believe that increased prenatal exposure to testosterone may improve interhemispheric communication (via an unusually developed corpus callosum) and enhance right-brain development, thus facilitating creativity.
“Very learned women are to be found, in the same manner as female warriors; but they are seldom or ever inventors.”
— Voltaire
When extraordinarily intelligent people are exceptionally creative, their creativity often manifests in diverse areas, including sex, thus explaining why polymaths such as Franklin sought creative ways to enhance sexual pleasure.
Here's a relevant excerpt from my article, My strategy to leave China in the dust:
The dictionary definition of genius provides a big clue why we have less of it than before:
genius (noun): a person with exceptional mental ability, especially of a highly creative and original kind.
The sine qua non of genius is exceptional creativity: that is, thinking outside the box: intellectually going where no man or woman has gone before. However, if you think outside the box, you are by definition not thinking as others do. As I discussed in Ridiculing good new ideas, independent and highly original thought is often ridiculed by jealous lemmings and experts who cling to what they know, even when it is dead wrong.
The authors of The Neurobiological Foundations of Giftedness wrote:
“A unique attribute of gifted individuals is the capacity for creative thinking. Intellectually creative individuals are typically highly task motivated (Lykken, 1998) and able to consider a problem from many different perspectives. These individuals are sometimes referred to as "outside-the-box" thinkers because they can generate perspectives that most others do not consider.”
Considering that sex is one of our most basic and intense drives, it is hardly surprising that outside-the-box thinkers would seek creative ways to maximize sexual pleasure. I've discovered (and written about) thousands of ways to increase libido and sexual enjoyment.
Ultimately, people marry not to share a mortgage, but because they want to have sex. People routinely seek to enhance one of the other great pleasures—eating—by dining in the best restaurants they can afford, preferentially purchasing tasty foods, and scouring many cookbooks, magazines, and websites for the best recipes. For most people, it is easy to find foods that are bursting with flavor. Furthermore, eating usually remains very enjoyable throughout life, while various diseases, conditions, and the aging process itself can decimate sexual pleasure.
Sex is part of medicine, so it is taught in medical school, but even the best schools don't have time to thoroughly cover this subject. Gynecologists and urologists learn more, but even they generally only scratch the surface in terms of addressing problems with libido and sexual pleasure. A new medical specialty will eventually emerge, but bright, creative people aren't waiting for that; they seek solutions now.
Considering the almost universal desire to amplify sexual pleasure and the ubiquity of sexual problems that limit libido, pleasure, or performance, why doesn't everyone put down the TV remote control and read sex books?
First, sex seems deceptively simple, and it can be, when everything is OK with both partners.
However, it is impossible to avoid everything that negatively affects sexuality because chemicals impairing it are almost everywhere: in food, water, drugs (prescription and nonprescription), air, plastics, lawn and garden chemicals, etc.; the best we can do is to minimize those exposures. You can't successfully navigate that minefield without knowledge because most hazards are invisible.
Second, sex books are usually filled with tips that most adults need about as much as they need to be told to look both ways before crossing a street.
Third, many people assume that whatever sexual pleasure they obtain is as good as it gets, even though the pleasure peak for most people is substantially below what they could obtain.
The apparent simplicity of sex leads many unqualified people to write about it. Even when they don't understand neurophysiology, endocrinology, biochemistry, nutrition, microbiology, pharmacology, neurology, and other subjects that form the basis of the science of sex, they somehow feel qualified to write about it and mislead—or disappoint—their readers.
After reading a few sex books written by such no-nothings, it isn't surprising that most people pick up a TV remote control instead of another sex book. However, very smart people often keep searching, intuitively knowing that while sex is just as complex as any other facet of medicine, an author (such as myself) who understands all that gobbledygook can translate the science of sex into simple tips that can make libido and sexual pleasure skyrocket.
My approach to enhancing sex can also improve health, appearance, longevity, intelligence, creativity, memory, alertness, and mood, so seeking to boost libido and sexual pleasure can also heighten brainpower and the general enjoyment of living. It's thus a very smart thing to do, so it is not surprising that especially smart people are very interested in this subject.
“No great genius has ever existed without some touch of madness.”
— Aristotle
“Conformity breeds mediocrity.”
— author unknown
Abraham Lincoln said, “It has been my experience that folks who have no vices have very few virtues.” That reminds me of something stressed by one of my psychology professors, who said that society imposes rigid boundaries for what behavior is acceptable, and applies tremendous pressure trying to force people to conform to the behavioral expectations. Some of the most brilliant and productive outside-the-box thinkers led unconventional lives. One of the side effects of forcing people to think inside the box is that by lopping off outside-the-box behavior, potentially great outside-the-box ideas are lost, too.
Geniuses are often quirky because the factors that create genius shape the mind in ways that make fitting inside the box more difficult. To fit inside the box, you must mindlessly adhere to many of the bizarrely idiotic social customs, such as men wearing neckties. They serve no practical purpose and are clearly a phallic symbol pointing away from the brain and toward the penis. That's rather odd for business dress code that is worn in the hope that the wearer will be given more respect, taken more seriously, and ultimately given more money—not because of his ideas, but because of that phallic symbol pointing toward anatomy irrelevant to business.
If we're visited by aliens from another planet, they will surely be more intelligent than us. If they have a sense of humor, they will laugh at many of our customs and be horrified by some of our ideas, such as ones that make hatred seem desirable. I presented an example of that in my essay on how sex is part of medicine, which also mentions other odd and utterly indefensible practices most Americans adhere to because they aren't smart enough to think for themselves, or don't have the spine to do so.
“He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would fully suffice.”
— Albert Einstein
“Genius is the capacity to see ten things where the ordinary man sees one.”
— Ezra Pound
Discussing the legacy of Roger Ailes, founding CEO of Fox News who lost his job after a succession of sexual abuse allegations, The Hill's media reporter Joe Concha said, “He was the most influential media executive, ever—certainly over the last 20 years.”
Indeed he was. Defying those who doubted he could compete with existing cable networks, he built a multi-billion-dollar business, indelibly influencing American politics and hence our destiny.
It is. The common denominator is testosterone, which fuels big muscles and big brains with big ideas and big aspirations like Miracle-Gro® fertilizes beautiful flowers and vegetables—but also some weeds. Drugs have side effects; hormones do, too.
It isn't perennially politically correct/plastic-perfect milquetoasts who do great things; it is those with rough edges, with minds and lives that are amalgamations of genius and gaffe that still add up to genius, eclipsing the seemingly less flawed folks whose mediocrity dooms them to do so little for the world they are quickly forgotten once they leave it.
UPDATE: In late 2017, it hit me: of the countless discussions I've overheard with women talking amongst themselves, a grand total of zero focused on science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM). I asked a close friend, a staunch feminist, if she ever heard women discuss any of those topics. Never, unless a man was included, injecting them.
Although this friend professes to be very fond of me, one perennial source of friction is how she manifests disinterest a few seconds after I discuss anything pertaining to STEM, which utterly fascinates me. Not her. No matter what I say, she will look bored, look away (often with her eyes magnetically drawn to her true love, her smartphone), or interrupt me to begin discussing something totally unrelated—and never about science, technology, engineering, or math.
I don't get it. I eat, sleep, and breathe STEM. I recently turned an abstruse mathematical concept into a lawncare device that outperforms all commercial alternatives, and it does that without an engine or motor, and hence without noise, pollution, dust, or vibration (video to follow once the patent is issued). To my knowledge, this is the first time in history that an unpowered device leaves powered ones in the dust, even when they have lots of horsepower and over 1000 pounds of weight.
I have several other surprising developments, all with a STEM foundation. While I don't discount the neurobiological effects discussed above, I know women could contribute more to STEM fields if they truly loved it, wrapping their lives around it. Some do, like the admirable Admiral Grace Hopper, but most don't. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink.
After decades of dating and speaking with countless women, it is clear their #1 love is talking about people. I enjoy a bit of chitchat now and then, but if people are to be the main course, I'd prefer to focus on solving problems and optimizing relationships to maximally catalyze individual development so we all can contribute more to society. The malicious gossip, the backstabbing, dwelling on negativity and problems just to vent without trying to solve them—I want no part of it. No wonder I'm still single!
Early in my medical career, I assumed nurses stuck together like glue. Hardly. After I became friends with various nurses, I marveled at their nonstop wars at work. The only thing (besides her co-workers) that angers a normally placid RN friend is when I suggest ways to solve problems at work. When I do that, she lectures me on how I should just listen so she can get those feelings off her chest. But her catharsis is at best a Band-Aid, doing nothing to promote her long-term happiness and professional development.
UPDATE late November, 2017: My head is spinning trying to keep up with the tsunami of recent revelations of sexual misconduct by Hollywood stars, other celebrities, and politicians. A heightened interest in sex and greater pleasure in it can strengthen the bond between men and women, benefiting marriages, children, and society. As I've witnessed with friends and family members, when people are dissatisfied in that department, they too often conclude the grass is greener on the other side of the hill, so going there is the way to go.
Screening more people, so to speak, increases the chance of finding a bedroom superstar, but there are much better ways based on science—one of my motivations for writing The Science of Sex.
Sex is part of medicine and hence taught in medical school, but most doctors know pathetically little about it and hence are unable to optimally help most patients who develop sexual problems—that's most of us—or who have diseases manifesting as sexual dysfunction.
I was equally ignorant decades ago. A prescription drug (Accutane, for acne) erased my libido and destroyed sexual pleasure, replacing the normally very pleasant sensations with a highly noxious pins-and-needles feeling. This problem persisted many years after discontinuing the drug, so I eventually mustered the courage to see a doc, then another, after which I was so deeply disappointed I devoted years digging into sex, discovering info most people would figuratively give their right arm to know. I put some of that material into a 500+-page free book and have enough pending additions to add a thousand more pages, but I've been too busy inventing to do that.
Interestingly, one tip in my book that can boost libido and sexual pleasure can also amplify creativity, putting it into overdrive. Before utilizing it, I'd often go years struggling to think of a single good invention; after, I was flooded with them. I sold some (not even close to my best stuff) to a company led by a friend of Bill Gates; that company paid me for years for my ideas, and they internally brag they hire only the smartest Ivy League grads—and I'm hardly an Ivy League grad. In fact, I once was such a dunce my exasperated sixth-grade teacher called me “slow” in front of the class! And I was before serendipitously finding ways to transform brainpower, enabling me to go from dunce to doctor.
I've developed several things I once would have thought were impossible. Incidentally, years after my girlfriend met me, she confided that when we first met and heard me talk about what I could do, she thought I was just a bullshitter full of hot air, thinking “there's no way he does any of those things.” She eventually realized everything I said was true when she saw working models of things she once presumed were just fantasy—some of them so difficult to believe they work even I won't believe it until I see it, so I build prototypes and test them.
I spent the past two years prototyping and refining an invention that does something very useful, and does that without an engine or motor, significantly outperforming competitive alternatives with an engine or two and half a ton of weight. I can do it with something you can carry in one hand. The rest of what I invented could make your life better than you imagined possible, if I ever commercialize those ideas.
I'm getting sick of the inventing game. Our politicians in Washington have been too busy screwing around to optimally incentive innovation, ignoring even obvious steps, such as better funding the Patent Office and better compensating the brainiacs who work there.
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“The test of a first-rate intelligence is the ability to hold two opposed ideas in mind at the same time and still retain the ability to function.”
— F. Scott Fitzgerald
Reference: Imagining dialogue can boost critical thinking: Excerpt: “Examining an issue as a debate or dialogue between two sides helps people apply deeper, more sophisticated reasoning …”
Comments (3)
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Comment #202 by B Gula-Ndebele
February 15 2012 05:33:57 PM
Firstly, allow me to say how lucky I am to exist in a time where information is a click away for as I typed my Google search criteria, I was rather skeptical about getting relevant results. But alas, just as I suspected, there does seem to be some sort of correlation between intellectual excellence and above-average sexual preoccupation. I shall most certainly be tracking the findings on this subject.
Comment #184 by Anonymous
October 11 2011 07:52:50 AM
Absolutely right on the head of the nail! Trying to explain the interests some have in this topic; the interest in all aspects of sex, at least to those who are repressed or otherwise assumingly not interested, is much like trying to explain being intelligent or gifted to an average intellect. One may well be speaking in tongues—it simply does not compute. So, to my wonderful wife who intellectually understands my womanizing nature and understands the threat is not from other women, but from the concept of secrecy and deceit within the relationship. While the grass may be fresh on the other side of the fence, it is rarely more green when taken in the same context.
Comment #378 by Avi • Website: Www.gaps.me
February 3 2020 10:47:57 PM
Very special
I sadly kind of agree about women....